Numerical simulation of the residence time distribution in a continuous stirred tank with a pseudoplastic fluid 连续搅拌槽内假塑性流体停留时间分布的数值模拟
The results showed that xanthan gum solution behaved like pseudoplastic fluid and the relationship between its viscosity and shear rate could be described by the power-law model. 结果表明:黄原胶水溶液为假塑性流体,幂律模型能很好地关联其流变方程;
The rheological properties of grafted products and PP was still a kind of non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid. 并且接枝产物的流变性能与PP一样为假塑性流体。
Results showed that both sweet potato slurry with and without pectinase treatment behaved as non-Newtonian, pseudoplastic fluid with yield stress. 结果表明:未经果胶酶处理和经过果胶酶处理的甘薯浆均为非牛顿性流体、呈现假塑性同时具有屈服应力。
The results showed that: melt of PET synthesized with MTA is non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid. 结果表明:同常规PET相比,MTA合成的PET样品的熔体同属于假塑型非牛顿流体;
The studies find out that wollastonite/ polypropylene ( PP) system behaves as non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid with melt flowability close to or better than PP; this property is beneficial to raising stability of processing. 研究发现,硅灰石/聚丙烯(PP)体系属非牛顿假塑性流体,熔体流动性接近或优于PP,这有利于加工稳定性的提高;
The results showed that these three solution with different concentration of 10%, 20% and 30% belongs to non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid with non-Newtonian index of 0. 73-0. 99. Their apparent viscosity was decreased with the increase of temperature. 结果表明:3种不同浓度(10%,20%,30%)的溶液均属于非牛顿流体中的假塑性流体,非牛顿指数为0.73~0.99;随着温度的升高,溶液表观粘度下降;
Rheological analysis shows that MST/ LDPE blend melts are pseudoplastic fluid. And along with the reduction of starch granularity, the flow Behavior Index of blend melts decreases, but the viscosity changes little. 流变学分析表明,MST/LDPE共混体系熔体为非牛顿假塑性流体,随着淀粉粒度的降低,熔体非牛顿指数减小,但粘度变化不显著。
Rheological analysis showed that MST/ LDPE blend melt was pseudoplastic fluid, and it had yielding behavior. 流变学分析表明,热塑性微细化淀粉熔体呈现出剪切变稀的非牛顿特性。
The results showed that the pastes of waxy maize starch were yield pseudoplastic fluid, the rheological properties of waxy maize starch pastes were characterized by yield pseudoplastic model. 结果表明:蜡质玉米淀粉糊属于屈服-假塑性流体,且屈服-假塑性流体模型能有效地表征蜡质玉米淀粉糊的流变性能。
Both polyacrylamide ( PAM) and body liquid are pseudoplastic fluid, in this paper, PAM aqueous solution has been used to study the diffusion behavior of the nutritious molecules in non-Newtonian fluid. 聚丙烯酰胺与生物体液均为假塑性流体,并且对聚丙烯酰胺的基本性质已经有明确的认识,本文采用聚丙烯酰胺水溶液作为非牛顿流体,研究营养类分子在非牛顿流体中的扩散。
It was shown that the best rheological property of the coatings for EPC is pseudoplastic fluid which have a certain yield value and slight thixotropy. 试验得出,涂料流型以有一定屈服值和较小触变性的假塑性流体为佳。
The foam fluid puts up the characteristics of pseudoplastic fluid and excellent viscoelasticity. 泡沫流体属于假塑性流体并具有很好的粘弹性;
The theological studies indicated that the mixes of the two types ice cream both belonged to yield pseudoplastic fluid. 流变学研究表明,两种类型冰淇淋混料均属于屈服&假塑性流体。
With construction like a pile of firewood, attapulgite clay water suspensions show yield pseudoplastic fluid characters, conform to Casson model and have good thixotropy. 凹凸棒石粘土悬浮液具有柴垛式架状结构,体现屈服假塑性流体特征,符合Casson模型,并具有较好的触变性。
The melt of EVOH/ MMT composite is a type of pseudoplastic fluid, and the viscosity decreases with the increase of the shear rate, which is a shear-thinning phenomenon. MMT插层复合材料熔体为假塑性流体,剪切速率增加,表观粘度下降,即存在剪切变稀现象;
The influence of the crosslinking density of TPR on the plasticizing and rheological characteristics of the PP/ TPR blend is also researched, and the result shows that the blend obtained is a kind of the pseudoplastic fluid with the property of notch sensitivity. 研究了TPR的交联密度对PP/TPR共混物塑化特性和流变性能的影响,表明所得共混物属于切敏型假塑性流体。
The result shows that live crude in this area is pseudoplastic fluid, nonlinear seepage flow is remarkable at the formation conditions; 结果表明,该区含气原油为假塑性流体,地层条件下非线性渗流显著;
The results show that the PF ⅱ nylon is a non Newtonian and pseudoplastic fluid. 结果表明,PF-Ⅱ尼龙是非牛顿假塑性流体;
Polyurethane melt is pseudoplastic fluid presenting shear-thinning property.B87 shows higher apparent viscosity than G83 at the same temperature. 熔喷聚氨酯熔体为假塑性切力变稀流体,在同等温度下B87比G83的熔体表观粘度大。
Flowing Field Analysis of Axial Laminar Flow for Yielding-Pseudoplastic Fluid 屈服&假塑性流体轴向层流流场分析
The melt of blends exhibits the characteristics of pseudoplastic fluid. 反应共混物熔体呈假塑性流体特征。
The result showed that the low melting point polyester melt was non-Newton pseudoplastic fluid, and the viscosity of it was less sensitive to temperature than that of common PET. 结果表明:低熔点聚酯熔体属于非牛顿型假塑性流体;与普通聚酯PET相比,低熔点聚酯熔体粘度对温度的敏感性相对较小;
The results show that more propeller wings and higher speed and viscosity is easier to form a "cylindrical rotary Area". In addition, the impact of shear-thinning of the pseudoplastic fluid to flow is discussed. 结果表明当桨翅多、转速高、粘度大时,釜内流体容易形成圆柱状回转区;讨论了假塑性非牛顿流体的剪切稀变对流场的影响。
There are some results which are as followed: First of all, the rheological properties of microbiology polysaccharides Xanthan gum have been studied, and the result showed that it was typical pseudoplastic fluid having good performance of the shear diluted. 研究结果如下:首先,研究了微生物多糖黄原胶的流变特性,其流变模型满足幂律流体模型,表现出良好的剪切稀释性,为典型假塑性流体。
Rheological analysis showed that OVA-CMC complex solution was pseudoplastic fluid and the pseudoplastic became more and more obvious with the decreasing of pH. Salt ion concentration influenced the viscosity of composite solution significantly. 流变学分析表明OVA-CMC复合溶液均为假塑性流体且其假塑性随pH的降低而愈加明显,盐离子浓度对复合溶液的粘度变化也有显著影响。
Under this condition, the dextrose equivalent of the maltodextrins is 2.9.2 、 Rice starch and maltodextrins are the properties of non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid. 在此条件下,所得低DE值麦芽糊精的DE值为2.9。2、大米淀粉和麦芽糊精均属于非牛顿假塑性流体。
PLA is a kind of non-Newtonian fluid. Its apparent viscosity declines with shear rate increasing. It is a shear-thinning pseudoplastic fluid, which is sensitive to the high shear rate. 聚乳酸是一种非牛顿流体,其表观粘度随剪切速率的增加而下降,属于切力变稀型假塑性流体,且对高剪切速率比较敏感。
The results showed that the apparent viscosity of the gum solution was greatly influenced by the concentration, temperature and pH. At the same time, it had good frozen-thawing stability, acid-resistance and salt tolerance, it was pseudoplastic fluid. 结果表明:精制桃胶溶液的表观粘度受溶液浓度、温度、pH值的影响较大,但同时具有较好的冷冻-解冻稳定性、耐酸性及耐盐性,是一种假塑性流体。
The zein solutions with chemical modification, such as glycerol, methylene chloride and oleic acid, or powder irradiation, showed pseudoplastic fluid characteristic, with shear thinning phenomenon. 玉米醇溶蛋白的丙三醇、二氯甲烷和油酸等化学改性或辐照处理粉末后,其溶液呈现假塑性流体特性,具有剪切变稀现象。